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Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get prices and place an order?
ABS is a wholesale supplier and does not supply directly to the public. For you to make a purchase, we first need to verify that you are a qualified retailer. Simply fill out the registration form and an ABS staff member will verify your status. Once you have been approved, you will be able to see pricing and place orders online.
I've been approved, but I still can't place an order?
Be sure to login first. If you still can't see pricing or place an order, you may be still pending approval or there may be a problem with your user status. Once you login, check for your user level. If the user level is "2", Contact us so we can resolve the issue.
Do you have more items not on the web site?
Currently, this web site is under development and not all of our items are available online. You can download our printed catalog and suppliments from our download page, or request a printed catalog via the contact us form, to see our complete offerings.
To report a technical problem:
If you feel you found a technical problem with this web site, please contact tech@gosherwood.com and provide a detailed explanation of the problem.

Can't find your answers in the FAQs?
Fill out this form, and an ABS representative will contact you.
Note: This form is for contacting an ABS associate only. To register your company, please fill our our registration form.

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